
If you were involved in a major accident, Singleton Schreiber are here to fight for your property.

Property damage can be caused by a multitude of different things, like wildfires, floods, and even aircraft accidents. If you had insurance against property damage at the time of the incident, your insurance company should pay for the costs. However, the sad fact is that in the absence of a property damage attorney, many insurance providers are likely to try to avoid compensating you.

It takes law experts like Singleton Schreiber to handle property damage disputes. Life is full of surprises; property damage can be caused by fire, natural disasters, catastrophic events and many other causes that can lead to significant loss or damage of personal property. There are two insurance categories to consider when selecting coverage for such damages.

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Property Damage Insurance

This insurance covers the owner of personal property in case the insured items are damaged or destroyed. It typically covers fire damage, hurricane damage, tornado damage, vandalism, theft, rioting damage, and earthquake damage. It is always advisable to check and become familiar with exactly what your insurance policy covers. Buy the policy you want, and be sure to list everything of value on your policy.

When selecting your policy, be sure to consider what types of events you feel pose a considerable danger to your property. For example, someone in the Midwest may not feel the need to insure their possessions against earthquake damage, whereas in California, earthquakes are a very real threat. Understand what your insurance does and does not cover, because insurance policies vary greatly, and some may not offer you adequate coverage.

General Liability

This insurance cover is also known as casualty insurance, and it protects property and business owners from any claims against them, as a result of actions or events which occur on or due to their property. It includes protection against claims such as professional liability, fire, premises liability, falls, advertising liability, negligence, commercial vehicle crashes, watercraft accidents, and aircraft accidents. These policies are written differently, so read the fine print and understand what is covered and what is not.

Most insurance policies include coverage in some combination of these two categories. For example, they may protect your business against claims emanating from accidents on the business premises, while also covering the owner of the property against loss or damage to their property.

Hiring a Property Damage Attorney

All too often, insurance adjusters try their best to make sure that you are not paid. They are employees of the insurance company, so their interest and loyalty lie with the insurer rather than with you. Many claimants have been disappointed when the time came to file a claim because when they really needed the compensation, their insurance company used aggressive tactics to deny them the claim or minimize it as much as possible. In situations like this, you need an experienced property damage attorney.

Singleton Schreiber employs only top lawyers who are experienced professionals in the field of property damage. We understand all the complexities of a property damage claim.

Insurance adjusters will often undervalue your claim, and in many cases will search for excuses to deny your claim. One tactic that insurance companies use to wrongfully deny claims is to bully the claimants into providing multiple recorded statements and unnecessary authorization forms. Any discrepancy between these statements can then be used as a reason to deny or devalue your claim.

It is essential to consult with a lawyer as early in the claims process as possible to ensure that no mistakes are made in filing your insurance claim. Your property damage attorneys at Singleton Schreiber know how to work against an army of insurance adjusters, experts, investigators, and many other professionals hired to defend the company’s “bottom line.” A property damage lawyer will fight for you until you are compensated adequately and fairly.

Our skilled California insurance claim lawyers are ready to assist you with any of the following claims:

  • Fire damage
  • Aircraft accidents
  • Flood damage
  • Premises accidents
  • Denials in bad faith
  • Negligence
  • Product liability
  • Municipal liability
  • Car accidents

With the experienced lawyers from Singleton Schreiber you are assured the maximum recovery to which you and your family are entitled. Whether it’s an accident that you or a family member have been involved in, a property damage lawyer will help you receive the maximum benefit from your insurance claim.

Causes of Property Damages

An experienced lawyer from Singleton Schreiber will be glad to assist you in fully understanding what your insurance covers. If your insurance company is reluctant to give you everything you are owed according to your policy, a good property damage attorney will be there to help fight for what is rightfully yours. Many cases of property damage are caused by:

  • Landslides
  • Fire or smoke
  • Hurricanes and storms
  • Water leakage
  • Construction defects
  • Failure to check a faulty structure or machinery
  • Foundation cracks
  • Earthquakes
  • Erosion

No home or business is completely safe from damages. When a home or any property is damaged, its value decreases significantly. Even though you have purchased the proper insurance coverage to protect your property, when it comes time to get compensation, the insurance company may not be willing to pay. They will fight to protect themselves, and it is wise that you be prepared to do the same. Hire a property damage lawyer in order to make sure you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Property Damage Claims

Saying that a person is liable for property damage due to negligence is far easier than proving your case. In order to win a negligence lawsuit, there are some key elements that your attorney must prove, including:

  • Duty: Some negligence outcomes are determined by whether the defendant has a legal duty to you. This occurs when there is a relationship between you and the defendant, which is recognized by law demanding the defendant to act in a particular way towards you. In some such cases, a judge or sometimes a jury will determine whether the accused owed you certain care as their duty depending on the specific circumstances.
  • Breach of Duty: Proving that the defendant owed the plaintiff is not enough. Next, your attorney must help you to show that the defendant breached their duty to you. This happens if the defendant did not take reasonable care when fulfilling their duty. At this point, it is already proven that a duty exists and so the judge or jury has to decide whether a breach of duty occurred or not.
  • Cause In Fact: To win a property damage case, the plaintiff has to prove that the actions of the defendants caused them the damage. It is also referred as “but-for.” It simply means that were it not for the defendant’s actions, the damage would not have occurred.
  • Proximate Cause: This refers to the scope of the defendant’s responsibility in the negligence case. The defendant is responsible for only those harms he or she could have expected through his or her actions. If the damages are not within the scope of things the defendant could have anticipated, then there is no way you can prove their action was the cause of your damages.
  • Damages: As a claimant, your attorney must prove that there was harm that is recognized legally. The defendant failing to exercise good care is not enough to earn you compensation. There must be actual damages to the person owed duty of care by the defendant.

Proving property damage liability in court is hard. The process is complicated, but it becomes much easier when you hire a property damage attorney who has a wealth of courtroom experience. A lawyer will document the damage and gather accurate information regarding the costs incurred as a result of the damage.

How to Hire a Property Damage Lawyer

If you are trying to obtain property damage compensation on your own without much success, it’s time to hire an attorney. The whole process of fighting for the compensation that you rightly deserve is not simple. However, before you select the right San Diego personal injury lawyer to help you, there are some questions to ask, such as:

What kind of dispute are you dealing with?

When looking for legal assistance in a property damage case, you need to know which kind of dispute occurred. It could be:

  • Damage issues: In this dispute, you and the adjuster cannot agree on the damages that occurred. There is a lot of disagreement on the extent of the damage and whether or not your property can be repaired. There is no clear agreement on the cost required to replace your property, or possibly even as to whether the damaged items actually require replacement or not.
  • Coverage Problem: The insurance company refuses to cover you, either for the whole claim or for some of the damage, and you believe it should be covered.
  • Bad Faith: This happens when your insurance company commits wrongful acts. The adjuster dismisses your proof of loss, even when you supply the required information and include documentation needed. This is considered bad faith because they are overlooking your needs despite the fact that you qualify for compensation. They can opt to give you a low settlement or deny you coverage without providing a legitimate reason.

Can a Property Damage Attorney Help You?

A property damage attorney will help you file a lawsuit and get compensation for the damages caused. It can be a coverage dispute or a bad faith lawsuit; your property damage lawyer will negotiate on your behalf. A property damage claim requires an expert in legal matters, and a practice that deals with property damage specifically. Such a lawyer can quickly research the history of your property, its estimate, insurance coverage, damage caused, and many other critical factors related to a property damage claim.

What Happens After Filing A Lawsuit?

Litigation can be a long, tiresome, and frustrating process. Once the attorney files the paperwork, you can never be sure how long it will take to conclude the case. There is likely to be a trial. This is an entanglement that can take years, and at the end of it there is no guarantee of success.

Is There Any Other Way To Solve The Dispute?

Claim disputes are about claim payments and damage evaluation. There are some efficient ways to resolve the dispute short of going to court. They are:

  • Reopen Negotiations: You can go to the insurance adjuster and talk calmly to attempt to resolve the differences between you and the insurance company. If the adjuster no longer wants to talk, go to the insurance company and find someone who is willing listen. With an open mind, it is possible to come up with a good solution.
  • File a complaint: If the insurer fails to pay the complete amount they owe you, and the property insurance adjuster is not open to new negotiations, you may opt to go to the department of insurance in your state and file a complaint. You can do this online as well. Then the staff of the insurance commissioner will contact your insurance provider. Your company will try to explain, and eventually, you are likely to find yourself back to negotiations.
  • Get a public property adjuster: A public adjuster specializes in addressing damage and coverage issues as they occur. They can assist you in the negotiations process and advocate for you to get a better deal. They have vast knowledge about insurance policies and property damage, just like those working for insurance companies.

Benefits of Hiring a Property Damage Attorney

Property damage lawyers such as those from Singleton Schreiber will provide you with high-quality services. They are experienced and dedicated to serving clients. Accidents happen on a daily basis, and some cause severe damages and injuries. This requires you to seek compensation from the responsible party. Having a property damage lawyer working with you increases your chances of winning the case and receiving the maximum benefit you are owed.

At Singleton Schreiber, we are professionals who can navigate the complicated court procedures and help you get compensation. When you hire Singleton Schreiber, you enjoy the following benefits:

  • Legal Advice: As an ordinary citizen, you are not likely aware of the in-depth details of how to go about filing a property damage lawsuit. Getting yourself an experienced property damage lawyer assures that your case is handled expertly, based on the best legal strategy for your particular situation. Your attorney can explain and answer your questions whenever you are concerned.
  • Damage assessment: Before you take your case to court, you should always seek to know how much your specific claim is worth. Your attorney will help you understand what you stand to gain by pursuing the matter legally. You and your attorney will work on the case together, and you will rest assured that you know what to expect at each step of the way. Damages not only cause financial losses, they can also affect you psychologically, and your attorney will make a calculation based on all the relevant factors.
  • Settlement negotiations: Even though a property damage case can go to trial, most are solved outside of the courtroom. To make sure you are being treated fairly and not taken advantage of, you must have a responsible lawyer. Your property damage attorney will help ensure you receive a fair amount, and will also advise you on whether to accept a settlement offer or go to trial.
  • Peace of mind: After you have hired a lawyer to handle your case, you will be at peace. It helps to reduce your stress as it becomes the lawyer’s job instead of yours, to investigate, gather evidence, locate witnesses and deal with your insurance company. They also complete the documentation needed for the claim. This gives you time to recollect your life after such a huge loss.

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